All information is believed to be accurate but is not guaranteed by Lancaster Puppies . As the story goes, hunters would lug around these fried fritters and give them to their hunting dogs when they needed them to be quiet. (LogOut/ Many of these origin stories have reached legendary status, with each one seeming just believable enough. WebHush Puppies is an American brand of casual footwear. For a clever explanation as to why hush puppies are frequently served as a side at fish fries, this totally makes sense. ", Read more: Why we say we're under the weather when we're sick. The hounds stopped barking and tracking thanks to the cornmeal which later adopted the name hush puppies., The Spruce Eats - Deep-Fried Southern Hush Puppies. If we blindly accept the folklore about Southern cuisine, were missing out on real stories that are so much more interesting than a bunch of made-up nonsense. Back before it was associated with necking, hickey was an American English word used when referring to "any small gadget". The 20th century innovation called red horse bread or hushpuppies was something new, though. The standard procedure is to rattle off two or three conflicting stories, shrug the shoulders, and say, I guess well never know . A delightfully different Southern hot bread. It sold for 30 cents a can. John Bryan purchased the company in 2004. etymology - Might the word "hushpuppy" be a corruption of a Romeo Govan, a famous culinary master known for his red horse cornbread, was known to make magic out of local Redfish, also known as Red Drum or Channel Bass, that was found in abundance in South Carolina rivers. Pot liquor also known by the traditional spelling, potlikker is the remaining liquid that is left over after boiling greens (collard, mustard, or turnip) or beans. We provide advertising for dog breeders, puppy sellers, and other pet lovers offering dogs and puppies for sale. Shortly after 1727. [6] "Red horse bread" of South Carolina then became "hushpuppies" in Georgia around 1927, then gained national traction around 1943 in Florida.[7]. | Reddit, This post on Facebook is nonsense. Hush puppy definition is cornmeal dough shaped into small balls and fried in deep fat usually used in plural. According to Robert Moss in an article on, one newspaper from the time said the bread was made by "simply mixing cornmeal with water, salt, and egg, and dropped by spoonfuls in the hot lard in which fish have been fried.". Hushpuppies are finger-shaped dumplings of cornmeal that are deep-fried and traditionally served with fried catfish.
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